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רישום לצפייה חופשית בהרצאות פרופ' טרה סמית בישראל.

ההרצאות הועברו בחודש יוני 2013 במסגרת פעילות המרכז

Dr. Smith is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas, where she currently holds the Anthem Foundation Fellowship for the Study of Objectivism. She is the author of Moral Rights & Political Freedom; Viable Values: A Study of Life as the Root & Reward of Morality (Rowman & Littlefield, 2000); and Ayn Rand’s Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist. Dr. Smith has published articles or lectured on such topics as self-interest, objectivity, individual rights, judicial “activism,” pride, justice, forgiveness, and romantic love. Dr. Smith has also presented seminars on clear thinking to businessmen.

The Pursuit of Happiness And Tools for Attaining It

Historically, Americans have fiercely defended the idea that every man has a birthright to the pursuit of happiness. An individual’s success in attaining happiness, however, depends on what he does with that right.

While numerous goods can contribute to a happy life, this lecture examines a handful – three factors whose vital significance is not conventionally recognized and which are, in fact, routinely vilified.

The lecture opens by discussing what happiness is, focusing on features that particularly illuminate means for acquiring it. It then turns to three central conditions of happiness: pride; productiveness (including discussion of money and of greed), and unabashed selfishness.

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לצפייה בהרצאו פרופ' טרה סמית, הכניסו את המייל ולחצו על מעבר לצפייה. הנרשמים יקבלו הודעה על ההרצאות הבאות שיתקיימו בישראל.

The Virtuous Egoist

Ayn Rand is well known for advocating selfishness, yet the substance of that selfishness is rarely understood. This lecture presents Rand's ideal: a virtuous egoist.

Professor Smith explains why a person should be an egoist, the kind of egoism that Rand does and does not endorse, and the kinds of virtues that a person must exercise in order to actually achieve his self-interest. Along the way, Smith differentiates Rand’s rational egoism from hedonism, materialism, and predation, and sketches Rand’s egoistic account of two vital but widely misunderstood virtues: honesty and justice

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